Sunday, November 1, 2009

when i eat m&ms

situation: i have 4 peanut m&m's (because i hate plain..they're gross) two are yellow, one is blue, one is green. i always eat two at a time. i pop in both yellow, chewing one on each back molar. then i pop the blue in one side, the green in the other. bada bing bada boom, my m&m's are gone.

situation: i can't let hard candy just dissolve. i'll bite it in half, one for each molar. (currently, my candy=cough drops. ick)

situation: my favorite sound is the static behind ear phones/head phones when they're plugged up to my computer with no music playing. it puts me in this zone where i pay attention to nothing else. it calms me and helps me write.

situation: i like grey weather. i love rain. i love clouds. i love wind. i love crispy bitterness of fall and winter. i like the way it bites at my cheeks...and i like how it gives me wind-burned cheeks. and i like being pale now. pale and cold. i think seattle or some snug town in maine would fit me perfectly.

situation: i love typing in all lower case. i thought about getting rid of punctuation, but people who try to be ee cummings get on my nerves, so punctuation will stay... for now.

situation: carbonated beverages make me gassy and bloated. (then again, what doesn't?)

situation: iiiiiiiiiiiii llllllllloooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee jamie time. i used to get really depressed and sad when i was alone, but now i kind of embrace it. when thoughts get confusing and things tend to go mushy and disappointing, jamie time is my way of survival. now i'm trying to incorporate more God time in with jamie time. (i had to break my no capitalization rule. i think if anyone deserves to be capitalized, it's God. i mean he's pretty amazing and worthy of capitalization.)

situation: i'm going to belgium in january. and i'm excited about it, too. :)

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