Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Le Groc-er-y

I love grocery-shopping. I try to never go while hungry, or else I'd strip the candy, cereal, and ice cream aisles to bareness, but I love the organized rows of colorful boxes, bags, and even the little arrangements of dinnerware, fresh bakings, and tempting donuts in the glass case of sweet fatness.
But my favorite section--my absolute DREAM WORLD in a grocery store is the vegetable aisle/corner/patch (tehe, get it? Vegetable patch!)
I think I like this section because it doesn't look as strategic. Sure, the happy-looking peppers are grouped together, the lettuce is near the cauliflower, the carrots and zucchini and squash look like a happy family, and the leeks just look cool.
But I love how free the veggies look. Technically, yes, I understand they aren't free. They're ripe for the pickin' to be stir-fried and dipped with globs of Ranch dressing (I shudder.) But I love the smelly freshness of the veggie aisle. You can feel the cool mist with each inhale, you feel your eyesight instantly inhance with the bright vegetably color.
Nearby, the large bins of apples, oranges, pears, kiwi are tumbling as if they come straight from the tree into an old, brittle wicker basket.
How can this not make me happy? I love veggies and I love fruit--I love the variations of everything. Peppers (I'm obsessed with peppers,) onions...I just bought carrot chips for the first time...they are much easier to eat and they look cute, too :) The cabbage and lettuce look so cozy, the tomatoes and potatoes look like home, and the fresh asparagus looks much more attractive in raw, uncooked form. (And smells better, too.)
So I think I've found my new happy place.
Plus, now I have ingredients to make spaghetti...Belgian style. Yay!

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