Monday, January 25, 2010

Epiphany #241 (?)

I realized a major reason why I hate KY so much.
You know how there is one parent you really clash with because you're so similar, as in you have the same temper or the same impatience or the same ignorance?
That is Kentucky and me.
One day, KY weather is somber and glazed over with gray overcast. I love those days.
Today was one of those days--snow flurries, snow chunks, snow pellets... hazy day, a bit cold, but not too crisp to handle. In fact, I walked to class with the ground covered-- my deck...all white, my hair was embedded in little soft flakes. 30 minutes later I walk back to my apartment with the sun-a-smilin' and nothing on the ground but sludgy earth.
KY is bipolar, much like my crazy back-and-forth personality.
In January, it could be 20 degrees outside one day and 50 the next.

Oh, epiphanies. You know, I think epiphanies are sometimes useless. They make me undestand more things about myself/life in general, but they don't necessarily help any situation. Example: today I learned why I dislike KY. It doesn't change anything. I still want to leave.
But it gives me something to write about, so...

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I literally laughed out loud at the end of this. "Example: today I learned why I dislike KY. It doesn't change anything. I still want to leave." I could so hear you saying that. Love you!
