Friday, February 5, 2010

on movies

As a kid, I hated the 80s. The big hair, the music, the cheesy movies. I always thought I was born in the wrong decade.

Well, clearly, things have changed. The big hair...okay, maybe it's still a bit silly, but I am much more happy about the music and movies, no matter how cheesy they are. In fact, I am watching The Princess Bride as we speak. I absolutely love this movie. The humor is absolutely brilliant--you don't have humor like that much anymore.

In the midst of Oscar season, I have to say that though I do enjoy movies of most types, even the newer ones, I wish movies could be FUN again. Sadly, the most fun I've had at the theater is standing in line last year in November, waiting for the midnight premiere of Twilight. Yes, Twilight. I watched it at midnight, then 15 hours later for matinee.
No, I do not think Twilight is a great movie. The acting is very very questionable (aside from Anna Kendrick, who is nominated for Best Supporting Actress in Up in the Air...heck yea, girl), the dialogue is not good, and the directing is quite horendous. However, it was FUN.
Of course, I enjoy movies at home much more than the theater, since it's much cheaper and I can eat whatever I want. But movies like Princess Bride and the Breakfast Club...ohhh classics.

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