Friday, May 28, 2010

I am unpacking, packing, listening to Muse, and taking a break

Craziest weekend of my life. I moved out of my apartment today with a car completely sardined with accumulated nonsense of college girl stuff.I took out two bags of trash, washed my windows, vacuumed the disgusting hair-balled carpet, all while Season 5 of Lost played in the background (I watched Season 4 in two's my favorite, I think...other than Season 1). In 3 1/2 hours, I made many trips up and down our scary wooden steps, sweating and panting more than making my decreasing steps sentimental. Well, then I read a card from Whitney, got a bit sentimental, threw away some food, felt terrible for wasting, and left my roomies a note.
My car was packed, everything in its crammed place. I took one last trip to the recycling bin in the front yard to rid my last bottle of wine and kept thinking "This is my last trip here, this is my last trip to the mailbox," lalala. I think we all play that game.
So tonight I'm unpacking in my parents house, where my room, though a good size, looks like a 5-year-old hoarder lives there, and things will remain in boxes because tomorrow, I leave to pick up my Cali friend and fellow intern, Laura, from Nashville's airport as we make our way to Louisville on Saturday night, then to Indianapolis, our final destination, on Sunday, where we will stay for 2-ish months, head to Belgium mid-July, get back August 9th, and proceed with our post-graduate lives.
Crazy, people. Crazy.

Elizabeth, my now former roomie (oh my God, that's sad), makes the best CD mixes EVER. We share nearly the same musical passion, only I like Bon Jovi, and she has patience for country music. So I'm pulling out of our concrete driveway, making sure to avoid the blonde guy moving in the apartment above us, and I put in Elizabeth's "Gone Three Months" CD.
The first song is the musical song from "The Painted Veil," which is arguably my favorite piano piece ever written, followed by a "Poker Face" rendition with Lea Michele and Idina Menzel from Glee.
Then I got the whole lip quiver, eye squinty thing where I thought tears might spill. They didn't. But that was possibly the saddest car ride I've ever been in.

This is a bit of a weird entry, I think. I don't really have a lessons learned thing, but this whole graduation thing is becoming very apparent. I don't feel thrown into the "real world" yet--I plan on avoiding it as long as I possibly can--but it really sucks to leave a way of life.

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